Lerne inspirierende Frauen aus der ganzen Welt kennen.

Lerne inspirierende Frauen weltweit kennen.

Nandi Spry has given birth to three children and Megan Wykes to six. Both have their hands full but still manage to surf every week – thanks to a unique community group, Surfing Mums. 
Ragna SwyterSydney
Dara Read is adopted. She remembers well that there was no literature about her kind of family in her childhood. Now she is a mum herself and has written “We love you Hundreds and Thousands” and learned a lot while doing so.
Ragna SwyterSydney
In Ghana, social pressure on women to become pregnant is intense. When this fails, they often turn to the clergy of their church for help. But many of them seem to take advantage of their position of power, as cases of sexual abuse are mounting. Genevieve Nrenzah works at the University of Ghana, studying social issues and social problems in the context of religion. She set out to find and talk to some of the victims. She plans to compile the results of her research in a book. Correspondent Sarah Tekath interviewed her for us.
Sarah TekathAmsterdam
The car industry is still heavily male-dominated. Two sisters in the Netherlands thus founded the first car dealership in the country with a workshop by women for women. And they are not alone: There are other trailblazers who want to see more women in technical jobs.
Sarah TekathAmsterdam
In the Palestinian West Bank, her family's home, Yasmin Mjalli suffered sexual harassment for the first time. Her spontaneous reaction to it grew into a fashion label – and a feminist initiative that changed her life.
Mareike EnghusenTel Aviv
The gender pay gap is nowhere as vast in society as it is in the soccer world, says national goalkeeper Almuth Schult. Good news though: more and more national associations are changing this. Unfortunately there are bad news too: the German Football Association (DFB) is not. Nevertheless, there is currently more movement on this topic than there has been for a long time.
Mareike GraepelHaltern
In a country where women are still often disadvantaged, Chiaki Mukai and Naoko Yamazaki have come a long way: they are Japan's only female astronauts. This is the story of two women and their sky-high journey against all odds.
Eva CasperKyoto
Roller skating is currently experiencing a comeback in the USA. The trend is mainly driven by African-American women. For them, this is cultural heritage and a long-fought-for right to freedom.   
Marinela PotorDetroit
By 1998, more than 50,000 Irish women had their children taken away from them in Mother-and-Baby-Homes. Being pregnant and unmarried was considered an unforgivable disgrace in arch-Catholic Ireland – and the Church was so powerful that it alone decided the future of the babies. An independent commission was supposed to provide clarification in 2021, but the report is considered incomplete and full of gaps.
Mareike GraepelHaltern
Slogans like "No means no" or "Abortion is a right" are emblazoned on the walls of many houses in France. They are put up by activists who go around the houses at night with self-painted letters on paper, and glue. Their actions are not entirely legal. But anger justifies the means, they say.
Carolin KüterLyon
Two-thirds of the 2021 Irish Book Award nominees for crime fiction were women. A quota that is no surprise in Ireland. For years, the majority of thrillers, horror novels and psychological crime novels have been written by women. “We know more about fear than men do,” says last year’s winner Catherine Ryan Howard.
Mareike GraepelHaltern
Lin Ya-hsuan has been competing in international para competitions for 20 years. Her career began at a time when disability sports were hardly promoted in Taiwan. Today, the athlete enjoys increasing attention and tells her story at schools and universities.
Carina RotherTaipei
So-called NFC chips are found in cash cards and smartphones. NFC stands for "near field communication". Kim Egger, a 25-year-old from Hamburg, had two of these chips implanted under her skin. We met this extraordinary woman.
Anne KlesseHamburg
For a long time, the medical profession was a male preserve. Today, women make up two thirds of medical students in Germany. However, at ten per cent, they are still heavily underrepresented in management positions. In surgery, too, it is mostly men who stand at the operating table. The association "Chirurginnen e.V." wants to change this.
Eva TempelmannMünster / Lima
Hate speech and defamation on the internet are on the rise. The targets are often women or social minorities. The “ichbinhier“, “iamhere“, association is fighting back with thousands of volunteers who tirelessly post comments on social networks.
Anne KlesseHamburg
She was a hairdresser, then a social worker. Dalal Mahra did not grow up being religious, but the 30-year-old Berliner made a conscious decision to wear a hijab. Now she has founded „Kopftuchmädchen“, "Hijab Girls“ in English, a media project that aims to break down stereotypes and show different facets.
Anne KlesseHamburg
Rugby is becoming increasingly popular at girls' schools in Afghanistan. Possible injuries and sniggers from society do not deter the schoolgirls. They want to assert themselves and become role models for other young women – if it weren't for one development that worries them.
Veronika EschbacherWien
Hannah Kiesbye was born with trisomy 21 – but the genetic mutation has not stopped the 18-year-old schoolgirl from anything in her life. On the contrary: she recently received the Federal Order of Merit for an idea that has triggered a nationwide discussion about the concept of disability.
Anne KlesseHamburg
Ireland is rediscovering its women. A trendy night club recalls historical figures, an exhibition shows Irish heroines and a TV series highlights trailblazing women of past centuries. The country is looking back to its past to strengthen its female future.  
Mareike GraepelHaltern
28-year-old freediver Sofía Gómez Uribe has set three world records and several Pan–American and South American records for her home country of Colombia. She wants to get more people interested in this sport – and infect them with her love for the oceans.
Katharina WojczenkoBogota

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