We tell different stories. We tell stories differently.
We are “Your Correspondent”. With our digital magazine we want to increase the presence of women. We publish: The best stories of women from around the world.
All in all we are ten correspondents who are spread in all directions. We want to show what working as a multimedia journalist means today. We want to guarantee transparency and by doing so counteract the currently damaged image of the media in Germany.
At the same time it comes to focus on reporting about women. That means, when we tell a story, we are always looking for the female part of it. We talk with people affected, not about them and we report about them not only once but in a sustainable way.

Our goal: inspiring stories about women – with text, pictures, audio and video. These are extraordinary stories found nowhere else. From our own experience we know that there are regions in the world, such as India or the Middle East, to which only female journalists do have access. This is our unique selling point.
But that does not mean that we exclude men. We believe that our stories are equally inspiring for women and men. Our long-term goal is to build an interested community. Through “Your Correspondent” we want to enter into a discussion with our users. We take their suggestions seriously and incorporate them in our research.
Along our events the correspondents are tangible and approachable, for example at public meetings (so-called “Kaminabende”), presentations and webinars.
With our crowdfunding campaign on http://www.startnext.com/deine-korrespondentin we could gather 6,555 euros in February / March 2015. With this money we paid our programmer Stephan Fischer and our designer Frank Ortmann as well as the first content. In May, June and July 2015 we offered our stories for free, so that the audience got the chance to get to know us and our stories better.
In August / September 2015 we tried a pay-wall because we were convinced the users were ready to pay for quality content on the web. But: We were wrong. That’s why we are now looking for alternative financing models. Yes, we want to change the world with our stories: We focus on women who would normally not be mentioned at mainstream media outlets. At the same time we create a network of women all around the world – not only in media spheres, but beyond.